04 Apr First Lawncare Application
We are now in the process of putting down the first application. The products used in this application depend on whether you have requested a spring overseed. The two different strategies for this application are below.
Option 1
The first option is to apply a high-Nitrogen pre-emergent fertilizer. Pre-emergent fertilizer does not kill grassy weeds. Rather, the fertilizer works to prevent the seed from sprouting. For that reason it is crucially important to apply pre-emergent fertilizer before the ground temperature is at a constant 50 degrees. Pre-emergent fertilizer has little effect if the seed has already sprouted—it is intended to prevent this process. We will also use Trimec spray to kill the broadleaf weeds.
Option 2
We will not apply pre-emergent fertilizer if you have requested a spring overseed. The reasoning for this follows from the above discussion—pre-emergent fertilizer also acts to prevent grass seed from sprouting. Therefore, the first fertilizer application for a spring overseed is a high nitrogen, high phosphorous starter fertilizer to encourage shoot growth. We will also do minimal broadleaf spraying with an overseed to prevent the spray from coming into contact with new seed.
The difference between the two options might become clearer with a brief discussion of fall vs. spring seeding. Many people recommend against a spring seeding because it prevents pre-emergent from being put down, and creates a situation where grassy weeds can potentially flourish. Seeding in the fall allows you to do two application of pre-emergent in the spring to prevent grassy weeds, and have the lawn fill in next season. We agree that fall seeding is ideal, however that does not help people who want a better lawn this season. A spring overseed will still germinate, it just takes a bit more attention on the next few application to make sure the grassy weeds do not take over. Essentially, a fall seeding is recommended, however a spring seeding will still work if proper attention is given throughout the remainder of the season.