
Lawn Care

Spring has sprung, and with it comes National Lawn Care Month! You'll likely see a flood of articles promoting the usual benefits of professional lawn care: saving you time, boosting curb appeal, and giving you peace of mind. (Spoiler alert: they're all right!)But here's the...

In the world of property ownership, there's an obvious gap between commercial property owners and residential homeowners. Their needs, priorities, and daily routines may appear vastly different. Yet, beneath the surface, there's a shared desire that unites them—a commitment to maintaining the beauty and integrity...

A picture-perfect lawn is the pride of every homeowner, but over time, the soil beneath our feet can become compacted, putting a strain on the health and vitality of our beloved green spaces.When our lawns don't receive the right balance of airflow, sunlight, and essential...

Spring is quickly approaching, so let’s get your lawn geared up and ready with some spring lawn maintenance tips that will be sure to have your lawn and landscape thriving in no time. The warmer weather the last couple of weeks has our Nebraska landscapes...

Lawn burnout during the extreme heat of the summer is a real thing. Learn how to protect your lawn from burnout this summer. Did you know the term “dog days of summer” was coined by the Greeks and Romans to describe the hottest days...

Don’t let pesky weeds crash the garden you have worked so hard to grow! Let us help you get a handle on your weeds before they get a hold of your lawn! The best way to reduce the number of weeds found throughout your lawn...

A bear can shake off water from its coat, but your lawn doesn’t have the ability to shake off our midwest winter debris. Help your lawn recover from winter hibernation with a professional spring clean-up from Sun Valley Landscaping. We offer a customized plan for...

Your lawn is nature’s version of carpet for your outdoor space. You wouldn’t let your carpet in your home be patchy, so why let your yard? It can be a bit problematic when we finally get our spring thaw here in Nebraska and get to...

Gypsum has two primary uses in lawn care; remove excess sodium from the soil, and add calcium to the soil. Gypsum is a natural mineral that overall does not affect the pH of the soil, nor does it add or detract from existing minerals found...

One of the most important things you can do for your lawn’s health is aeration. Even though your lawn might appear to be slowing down in the fall, your efforts this time of year make a lasting impact on the health of your lawn for...